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A Time Management Roundup

Another Sunday, another Roundup. Let’s start this week with the interesting, yet not-for-me Guide to Safe Dumpster Diving. As I commented at Bargaineering, I’m sometimes at the other side of this, leaving things outside that I know someone could use, a working TV, cabinet, bookcase, etc. There are things that charities wont take, but still have some use. Depending where you live, you might have a local swap at the town dump, or flea market you can sell these things at, but for us, a single item is often more trouble than it’s worth, and  to the curb it goes.

At Pants in a Can, we are treated to Two Million Dollar ideas. The first, I wonder, but the other idea is worth stealing, implementing and getting rich. Some people are always thinking, it seems.

The Financial Buff tells us that Most People Don’t Sell Everything In a Panic, which is good news. Buying high and selling low is the sure way to #investorfail and makes for a tough retirement.

Frugal Dad offers his spin on “don’t buy what you can’t afford” in his article this week titled No Payment for 90 Days – Delaying Ownership of Things You Cannot Afford. You’d think we’d know this by now, and yet those “pay later” ads are still running.

At No Debt Plan, Kevin offers a lesson in How to Fight for Your Children’s Financial Lives.  Some pretty sage advice we should all teach our young ones. There are always things they need to learn on their own, but teaching them the basics of finance is a great way to give the next generation a nice head start.

And to wrap it up this week – a Time Management Exercise at One Money Design.  So often we think about money, but forget how valuable our time is, and waste it away. Jennifer writes a great little exercise to get you back on track with your use of time, your most precious commodity.

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