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A Mayday RoundUp

I know – Mayday was yesterday. So this is really a post-mayday roundup. Either way, some more great reading from my fellow PF bloggers.

Let start with Trent at the Simple Dollar asking What Does It Mean to Be Rich? His post doesn’t conclude with a number, but an emotion, a sense of having enough. No argument here.

Green Panda Treehouse touches on a similar topic with What is Financial Freedom? A brief post describing some of his happy older clients.

Get Rich Slowly’s JD Roth posted Money Myths and the Importance of Thinking for Yourself. I especially appreciated this post as it contained a paragraph Do People Spend More When Using Credit? Since I just discussed this earlier this week, I was glad to see my suspicion confirmed, there is no hard data backing up this claim.

Neal Frankle, the Wealth Pilgrim, offers some career help with Should I Change My Career? Three Questions To Help You Decide.  This one hit home for me. As I may have mentioned, my day job is completely unrelated to finance, and for the most part, my personal life is pretty well firewalled from my blogging persona. I often think about what my next career will be, and Neal really has me thinking after reading his post.

The Fiscal Geek gives us 8 Steps You Can Do Today to Protect Your Identity.Yes, the internet, mail, credit cards, etc, are all potential leaks of information that can lead to identity theft. Check out Paul’s article and protect yourself.

As a user and fan of Duct Tape I couldn’t help but read Lez Penzo’s tongue in cheek 4 Ways Duct Tape Can Fix Your Personal Finances. I knew that the uses for duct tape were pretty endless, but Len takes this to a new level.

Last this week, Jeff at Deliver Away Debt tells us how to Stop the Spiral of Debt (part 1). For those of you just getting started in this process, Jeff offers some good tips and great inspiration. If you recall, he has taken on a job delivering pizza and using that extra money to pay off his debt. He’s been tweeting and blogging on his progress.

I wish you a great week ahead.

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