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The Debate’s Only Winner?

The debate this week brought one important point to the public’s attention. That Romney would eliminate PBS funding. He made it clear, he’d fire Big Bird……

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  • Charlie October 9, 2012, 11:11 am

    Oh, the horrors!

    A). PBS receives less than half its budget from the federal government,
    B). Even IF it lost all its funding, they would not go away… they might have to (gasp!) advertise!
    C). They probably wouldn’t even need to do that because I’m pretty sure proceeds from Sesame Street merchandise alone could fund them quite well.
    D). I’m not even sure why they should receive any tax payer money. What makes their programming so special? Should CBS, NBC, ABC and FoxNews also receive tax payer funding?

    In the end, this is such a non-issue it’s hysterical how the left has latched onto it!

    They’ve moved on from Romney will kill your spouse to Romney hates Big Bird. What next, Romney eats babies?

    Obama was exposed as the fraud he is (he couldn’t defend a single aspect of his record), and Big Bird is all they have…. its pretty pathetic.

  • JOE October 9, 2012, 4:36 pm

    I presented a copy of the cartoon as “any publicity is good publicity.” It was a tongue in cheek comment on how I saw no winner except for a free advertisement for Public TV.
    You realize, PBS is such a small portion of the federal budget, it’s virtually inconsequential.
    I agree with you, the left have taken the joke a bit too far.

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