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Obama Care okayed by SCOTUS

The Supreme Court ruled and it seems they decided that Obamacare is a tax and therefore constitutional. What I find curious is that our former Governor, Romney implemented a very similar health care requirement in Massachusetts. Has he decided in hindsight, it was a bad idea?

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  • dave June 30, 2012, 4:36 pm

    It seems he classifies the Massachusetts health care insurance mandate as an allowable option under States Rights.

    And as a resident of Taxachusetts, Thank You Governor Romney…

    What I’d like to know is how Obama justifies this new ‘Tax’ he invented for the common man. The rich can afford it (They probably already have insurance surpassing the requirements.) And the poor will just continue to accept the Government Largesse

  • Joyce June 30, 2012, 10:47 pm

    Romney will lie and say what the conservatives want to hear. No telling what he really thinks about anything.


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